Olivia Jo arrived at Step Ahead Thoroughbred in April 2016 in very poor condition as seen below with Step Ahead's Buel Lambert on the day she arrived with ribs showing and sadly under weight. Throughout her time here at Step Ahead, she was shown a lot of TLC and was back to a healthy weight within a few months.
We're thrilled to say that our ultimate goal of rehabilitating and re-homing retired racehorses was fulfilled on Sunday July 21, 2019, when happily... Olivia Jo was adopted by a very kind man, Robert, who lives in Brooksville. He was beaming with happiness as he prepared to take her to her new home. She'll now have the good fortune to live out her senior years with a new friend, a Quarter horse mare, and they'll have 20 acres of grass to enjoy.
It was hard to say goodbye as it shows in the pictures we took with our volunteers Raquel and Eileen giving her one last pat, and our Step Ahead co-founder Pam leading her to the trailer.
We have a lot of great memories and we're very grateful and happy with this ending, which is truly just a new beginning... Happy Trails Robert and Olivia Jo!
We received a heart-warming photo from Robert today showing us Olivia Jo settling in very quickly at her new home in Brooksville! Here she is with her new bestie, Halo.